Breathe Easy Tutoring and Training

Bakersfield, CA

(661) 204-1627

Breathe Easy Tutoring and Training

BETT we can help...

Sponsor A Course

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goal of providing Asthma Management classes for parents at no cost to them. Your generous donation will fund our mission. Sponsor one of five sessions for $350.00. Sessions available in English or Spanish. These sessions are also available in English or Spanish as Promotora/CommunityHealthWorker Training.

Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card

Sponsor A Class

Your contribution will enable us to meet our goal of offering free CPR training to our community. Help us provide everyone with this valuable skill! Your donation of $350.00 will sponsor 20 certifications. 

Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card

Sponsor Knowledge

Empower our community by sponsoring a Save A Life information class. This is a one hour class for the community to learn life saving skills. Participants will learn Hands Only CPR and Bleeding Control. Sponsor one hour for $100.00.

Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card

Sponsor Training

You can make a difference by sponsoring our StopTheBleed training/presentations. The training empowers the general public to step-in and save a life when at the scene of a life threatening emergency. Victims who are bleeding can quickly die from blood loss. Trained bystanders can save lives! StopTheBleed training teaches bleeding control.  Sponsor three StopTheBleed presentations for $288.00 and help save a life.

Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card